

the art of entertaining is certainly one that was inherited from my mother and grandmother. both experts in hospitality and household management, it was they who instilled in me a love of "the finer things" and of making one's guests feel special. names such as waterford, wedgwood and limoge were familiar to me at an early age and were ever present in our homes.

this early education is what prompted me to study art, photography and interior design at my university and eventually to become a photo stylist for magazines highlighting the same collectibles that i grew up loving. by starting this blog, i hope to share a few of my loves of art, hospitality and entertaining, and hopefully inspire you as well! thanks for visiting.



Queen Mother said...

Welcome to blog land.
I look forward to reading more as I know little to nothing about cocktails or cupcakes.

FarmWife said...

I love your photo! I'm a sucker for tea cups.

I (like my mother, Queen Mother) also know little about cocktails or cupcakes, so I'll be back.

From My Kitchen to Yours said...

Glad to see you are starting a blog for your work! You do such a wonderful job!!!